Sunday, January 2, 2011

We are having a BABY!!!!

Well the news has been floating around for awhile, Ky and I are going to be parents in June! I found out when I was 6 weeks so it was awesome to have such a jump start! I am 16 weeks and have been so lucky so far. I have never thrown up! yeah! The changes I have noticed are tiredness, I'm hungry all the time, I dry heave at bad smells, I really didn't want to be touched or have people up in my space, I have started to crave mexican food which I normally don't really care for, pee 10 times more then normal, wake up in the night, want to hold my stomach and keep waiting for it to move haha and according to Ky I can be pretty moody. I do feel my stomach, uterus, and whatever else is involved stretching and it really hurts sometimes but most the time I feel good. We don't know what the sex of the baby is yet but I have felt the whole time that it's a girl. We will see if I am crazy or not. Ky thinks its a boy. Either way we are excited for our little addition! It's crazy because you plan and look forward to this time in your life for so long and so far it seems surreal. I look at the pictures and when we have the ultrasounds I am in awe that this perfect little thing is growing in me and I will soon be a mom. I am so excited for the future and to see our little peanut! Stay posted for more on Baby Graham!

These are the ultrasound pictures from 10 weeks.

Below is a link for a video of us announcing the pregnancy to Kyle's family. We thought the reactions were pretty funny!!


Marianne & Eddie said...

yeah!!!! I don't know if i've even congratulated you guys yet (or if it's just been in my head that I have)! But CONGRATS!! That is so exciting you guys will be such great parents. I can't wait to find out what you're having! And what name you pick! Wait a second... are you guys still selling this summer?

DaneandLiz said...

So exciting!!!!

Trisha said...

Nicole, that is so exciting! I am so happy you are feeling well. What a blessing! Keep us posted! I hope the rest of your pregnany goes well! Also, when you have a baby shower, let me know, I would love to come!

The.Marcellus.Family said...

I'm super excited for you:) Being pregnant is alot of fun and totally has its perks. I hope it all goes well. If you need anything let me know!:)

Kellee said...

YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAY!!!! i have been waiting for a post on this! hahah i am seriously so dang excited for you! you are the first one of my high school friends to have a babe!!! yaay!! cant wait to find out what you are having!

Mike and Larissa said...

YAY! congrats! being pregnant is great.. ( till your ribs start to hurt) can't wait to hear more :D good luck with everything...

Jodi Carter said...

That is so exciting!! :) I'm so happy for you both!!!