Friday, September 23, 2011


SO life has been crazy since we started school and much has happened. Rigden has gotten so big and he will be 3 and 1/2 months this week. He smiles constantly and is so close to laughing. I think he will be sitting in a month or so. He holds his head great and continues to sleep good. Some things that have happened.... Kyle got a job offer in Salt Lake and we will be moving in December up north. I will be doing my student teaching up in Jordan school district and we are excited about that.
Rigdens blessing was at the begining of September. It was fun to have our immediate family come and spend the day. Hunting seasons have begun and Kyle is gone often doing something. Last weekend we went to Price and I played in the CEU ALumni game. It was so fun to see everyone and play again. Even tho I am severly our of shape ha This week I had my first practicum at Parowan Elementary. I taught for the first time as a teacher for an entire week. It was fifth grade and I had so much fun! I didn't realize how exhausted I would be tho. That is a quick update, I'll try to update more often. Love you all!


Brett, Juliann, and Mae said...

Your little guy is a cutie. Danny Toney is a family friend. Did he marry your sister or sister-in-law? Talk about a small world. I hope you are doing well.

JaKe and NaT* said...

so cute!! Love all the pics...i am comin down wed and would love it more than anything if i could stop by..i know you guys are busy but even if it was for a split second..ill text you!

Whitney said...

You are such a cute mommy!! & the Rigden is a doll! Hope you doing well!

Blake and Audra said...

oh my gosh, Nicole! He has changed so much in just 1 month. He's SO SO adorable. I can't get enough! We can't wait for you guys to move up this way in a couple months! YAY