Tuesday, January 3, 2012


WOW it has been forever since I posted and now my child will look like a giant to those who don't see us regualarly. A lot has changed since I last posted. We finished Fall semester at SUU, moved to Farmington, Utah about 3 weeks ago, Kyle started his new job at Tanner acounting in SLC TODAY (yeah Ky), I start my student teaching next Monday at Weat Jordan elementary, and Rigden has grown up so fast! Kyle will take two online classes this semester to finish up his masters in accounting and I will student teach to finish my bachelors in Elementary Ed. Then in May we will be official graduates!!! We decided to move in with Ron and Jill (ky parents) while we look for a house up here. We miss Cedar and all of our wonderful friends and family especially my brother and sister in law luke and Candace, our adorable nephew Ty, our great friends nate and Lyndsi, and some great friends from the block to name a few. We loved living there and will truely miss so much about it. We are loving it here so far. We have always wanted to end up here since we got married. It's crazy it's actually here. We hope to be here for a very long time. My sister lives in Ogden and I am so excited to be close to her. One of the fun things about Cedar was living closer to my other sister kim and her husband Ez. We hope that they will join the band wagon and move up here soon! HINT HINT.... Rigden is 6.5 months old. He gets more active all the time. He is sitting up pretty good and rolls like crazy. He scoots and will be crawling soon I'm sure. He still has his crazy hair and beautiful blue eyes. We just love our sweet little boy. He is such a good sleeper and hardly ever cries. He is very mellow he'll even cuddle still sometimes. Well that's about all that I can think of. Here are some pictures of what we have been up to. Hope you are all doing well.

1 comment:

Matt, Nat, Hallie & Gracelyn said...

Yeah for new updates!!! Rigs looks huge to me and I see him more than probably most they grow to fast for my liking. Dont let mom read that hint to kim she may hunt you down but we all know we are hoping for that. We are so excited to have you close and hope you stay as well as us so we have some family closer. I will try to have this baby soon so we can see you sooner than later. love ya